Thursday 9 January 2014

Holiday reflection (Jo ee)

   On 28th December, I went for my CCA ROD (retirement of duty). That day, the Year 4 seniors were going to step down from CCA. On that day, the Year 1s to Year 3s decorated the Maths CID room and exhibited the gateways, which were shaped in ferris wheel and eiffel tower.
   We also took out the lamps which we had decorated for the Year 4s in our patrol and waited anxiously for their arrival. Clearly, our effort had not gone to waste as when they came in, they were surprised and started admiring the gifts we made for them.
   What remained etched in my head the most was our patrol corner, which is conversation between the patrol mates. For quite a few sessions during CCA, it felt so awkward without the Year 4 member, it felt like our patrol was not complete. Last time, when I first joined this CCA, I used to think seniors always scolding us over trivial things or small mistakes and got scared whenever I saw them outside CCA. But now when I think back, I think they were doing this for our own good so we would not make this mistakes again. Furthermore, through the conversations, I realised the Year 4 seniors were very friendly and kind people who would give us sincere advice so we can improve in our weaknesses, completely unlike the fierce people we thought they were.
   But unfortunately time flies fast and soon our ROD came to an end.. However the year 4s would always remain in the juniors' hearts, and we would always remember how awesomeeee they were ^_^

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