Thursday 9 January 2014

Holiday reflection (Charmaine)

During the school holidays I didn't travel overseas at all. I didn't do much during the holidays, just the typical stuff I do during my free time-Watching tv,using the computer, listening to music etc. Although I did participate in a camping competition for my CCA. The camp was around five days and it was really tiring but fun. We learnt many things from the competition,the normal stuff like teamwork and perseverance , but it meant more than that. It was a totally new experience for me and Im glad I have the chance to participate.
On top of that, I went to a family chalet which I greatly enjoyed. We even had a barbecue which was really great,although it rained, but it was still enjoyable and we still got to eat the barbecued food. 
I also went out with my friends, including primary school friends to catch up on each other's lives. Besides that, i celebrated my wonderful birthday as it falls in the month of December. 
Apart from that I didn't really go anywhere cool or special, just staying at home , sometimes going out for fun and also going to the school library to try to do my holiday homework with my friends.

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