Thursday 23 January 2014

Reflection - Yifei

I leant that there are poverty everywhere around the world and there are many people suffering from poverty and hunger. We, are lucky, lucky enough to receive proper education, lucky to have our family with us, lucky to survive with no worries.

While we are complaining about the surrounding, we don't know how many children and teenagers are dying. We should be thankful to our parents and environment.

We can also try to help the poverties.

Reflections - Jaslyn

I've learned that a picture depicts a thousand words, and solely with the pictures alone, we could vaguely imagine the story behind the one picture. But, pictures can also be deceiving at the same time since some pictures might be posed deliberately, or if the actions depicted in the scenes are something which is something that we could never ever imagine, such examples are given in the two pictures if a make and female beggar with a child respectively. Lastly, a word can also symbolize something meaningful, and even an item can also be significant with unknown meanings behind it. 

Reflections - Jo Ee

   So far in CID, I have learnt that it is important to look beyond just what is on the surface. For example, there were 2 pictures of people begging for money or necessities, but one person was carrying her baby and begging a passer-by for money while the other was holding a cardboard sign which said he had been robbed of all his necessities and asked if passers-by could donate some necessities to him.
   At first, many people thought they would help the woman as she has a baby and needs help more urgently, but the truth was that the man who was holding the cardboard had only one arm and was abandoned by all his family members and lost all his belongings, hence he has no one to rely on, but the woman was from a cheating syndicate and since she has 4 limbs unlike the man, she can go and earn money through proper means.
   Also, we have learnt how to take proper photos and make them look more intersting. For example, using different kind of filters can highlight different emotions in the picture and make it look more interesting. 

Reflections - Tingyi

In CID , we learnt that a picture speaks a thousand words. Based on one picture,there are many possible interpretations about it. Example, the pictures of two beggars.  We were asked who we chose to help. If we didn't know about their background information, we would have helped the wrong person as some beggars are a fake so that they could get more money from the sympathy we give them. At first, we wanted to help the woman with the baby as she has no time to work. But then we realized that the man needs more help as he lost his belongings. Therefore, I have learnt that we should look at pictures with understanding instead of looking at its surface only as it can be deceiving us.
Through CID ,I get to interact more with our group members and learn more about them.

Reflections - Charmaine

We learnt about the poverty in Singapore,who should we help and who shouldn't we,how we know if a beggar is real or fake,and how knowing someone's background can help us in our choice.
We also learnt about photography. How to create a certain feeling,how to make something the focus,and how to create a special mood. We also had the chance to interact with our group mates, some we didn't even talked much with at all.
Overall we got to learn more about each other and became closer with one another.



     SYMBOL :

    IMAGE :

Thursday 9 January 2014

Holiday reflection (Jaslyn)

During the 2013 end-of-year holidays, my cousins and my family went on a trip to Malaysia, Pahang. The place that we’ve went was my mother’s hometown, and it was really remote but surprisingly, all the facilities that were needed were well provided for everyone.


It took us about five to six hours to reach there, and when we did, we kept a lookout for a dark grey van which was my uncle’s baby. We didn’t wait for long and it was finally nearing afternoon when we finally reached our destination, our grandmother’s house. It was old, with a history of almost 50 years, but the interior of the house was still cozy and comforting. The houses were arranged in two rows, a road right smack in the middle between the left and right rows of houses. Everybody living there wasn’t strangers, you could almost say that it was practically a ‘kampong’ where people knew each other. When we arrived, our neighbours looked at us with recognition in their eyes, but none of us spoke. We yanked our luggage into the house, our back wet with sweat because of the sweltering weather. We finally slumped down on the couches, and greeted our grandmother rather cheerfully when we saw her. She was in her 60s, nearing her 70s. Even though she had some ailments, she was still here, healthy and really safe. Our cousins arrived one by one, most of them around our age except for a few. They weren’t that type of people to ignore the younger children who some may deem them as “childish”, which they definitely weren’t.


I could safely say that my cousins were the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my life. We got along really well, and they always joked with us, and played some really old games like hide-and-seek in the huge house. They were always laughing, and they weren’t hung up on their devices that often. The best part was when the four famous cousins came to our house, announcing their arrival. They weren’t snobby just because they were much, much older. In fact, everyone loved them, and my favorite people were the two brothers. They were humorous, and we have a good relationship with one another, with them always promising me to take us out and have some fun, which considering their age ( 20 years and above ), was nothing that my cousins in Johor would ever do. Imagine an adult hanging with a bunch of teenagers and kids. That was what exactly happened, and that was the fact why we adored them so much. We would always stay up late because all of us would always squeeze together, the ten or more people watching a horror movie with anticipation. All of us ended up sleeping together because we were too afraid to walk the short distance to our room. We even went against nature’s way and were too creeped out to even go to the toilet to ‘pee’. It didn’t help that the light bulb was spoiled either.


Our week of playing basketball, swings, badminton, riding motorbikes, buying two baskets full of snacks, sleeping together not daring to off the lights ended. We went to the train station, and bid them farewell moodily, feeling disappointed that time passed so fast. It was nearing midnight when we reached Singapore and all I could see was when we were sitting on the benches, wating for the train to come for us to go to Malaysia. All in all, the trip could only be described with two words. Absolutely amazing.

Holiday reflection (Yifei)

I went to the South Island of New Zealand during the Holidays, it was a 15-day trip.

My family and I had started planning this trip in June, it is necessary for us to have a plan as New Zealand is just too big to travel without planning, time was limited and the attractions were countless.

We went to several places, such as Queenstown, Wanaka, Mt. Cook, Dunedin and many more. We traveled the whole of South Island by driving a circle around it. Starting from Christchurch and ended at Christchurch as well.

I leant a lot of things through this journey. One of them is that there are always things better than what you have now. People should strive for excellence and better things. New Zealand is so beautiful that it could not be described by words. I used to be amazed by Singapore, but now I changed my mind, believing that there are always better places. Go abroad more and widen your views, never stay at one place for too long.

Holiday reflection (Tingyi)

Basically,my holidays were spent studying,training and watching korean dramas. I started having weekly tuition to spend my time.
We had a small BBQ party at my friend's house .
Not to mention, I went to Malaysia,Penang to visit my relatives living there and went to my grandmother's shophouse. Together with my two other cousins and aunt,we went to Lost World,Ipoh which we took about 3 hours to reach from Penang. It was a tiring journey but worth it as we got to play many different stuff there. There is a petting zoo,amusement park,water slides and tin valley. For the first time I saw a tiger climbing up a pole to reach its food. Overall,I enjoyed my stay in Malaysia as I get to see my relatives there and catch up on their lives.
On Christmas Eve, we had a CCA Christmas party at my senior's house.It was a enjoyable day for everyone.
This was how I spent my holidays.

Holiday reflection (Jo ee)

   On 28th December, I went for my CCA ROD (retirement of duty). That day, the Year 4 seniors were going to step down from CCA. On that day, the Year 1s to Year 3s decorated the Maths CID room and exhibited the gateways, which were shaped in ferris wheel and eiffel tower.
   We also took out the lamps which we had decorated for the Year 4s in our patrol and waited anxiously for their arrival. Clearly, our effort had not gone to waste as when they came in, they were surprised and started admiring the gifts we made for them.
   What remained etched in my head the most was our patrol corner, which is conversation between the patrol mates. For quite a few sessions during CCA, it felt so awkward without the Year 4 member, it felt like our patrol was not complete. Last time, when I first joined this CCA, I used to think seniors always scolding us over trivial things or small mistakes and got scared whenever I saw them outside CCA. But now when I think back, I think they were doing this for our own good so we would not make this mistakes again. Furthermore, through the conversations, I realised the Year 4 seniors were very friendly and kind people who would give us sincere advice so we can improve in our weaknesses, completely unlike the fierce people we thought they were.
   But unfortunately time flies fast and soon our ROD came to an end.. However the year 4s would always remain in the juniors' hearts, and we would always remember how awesomeeee they were ^_^

Holiday reflection (Charmaine)

During the school holidays I didn't travel overseas at all. I didn't do much during the holidays, just the typical stuff I do during my free time-Watching tv,using the computer, listening to music etc. Although I did participate in a camping competition for my CCA. The camp was around five days and it was really tiring but fun. We learnt many things from the competition,the normal stuff like teamwork and perseverance , but it meant more than that. It was a totally new experience for me and Im glad I have the chance to participate.
On top of that, I went to a family chalet which I greatly enjoyed. We even had a barbecue which was really great,although it rained, but it was still enjoyable and we still got to eat the barbecued food. 
I also went out with my friends, including primary school friends to catch up on each other's lives. Besides that, i celebrated my wonderful birthday as it falls in the month of December. 
Apart from that I didn't really go anywhere cool or special, just staying at home , sometimes going out for fun and also going to the school library to try to do my holiday homework with my friends.