Wednesday 16 July 2014


Day 4 (27/5/2014)

We visited Sacred Hearts High School on the 27th of May. When we reached the school, we were warmly welcomed by the Taiwanese students who displayed wushu, flag performance (they spinned the RV and Sacred Hearts school flag) and orchestra. After we had performed our performances, we were led to a room where they introduced our buddies and had a nice buffet.
After chatting with my buddy, ηŽ‰ι™, I found out that Taiwanese do not have much homework on usual school days and only have three exams a year, which means that the education system in taiwan is more relaxed than that in Singapore and is more of 快乐教育 than εΊ”θ―•ζ•™θ‚². 
Then, we attended a Japanese lesson with the students. The teacher invited students to go up to the front of the classroom to present on a topic they had researched on earlier. This way of teaching is more interesting than that in Singapore where the teacher just gives out worksheets and goes through the questions which is kind of dry. Also, when the students answered questions correctly, the teacher rewarded them with sweets, which motivates students to answer questions more frequently in class and helps them learn more.
After that, we went to a 净撨ι…₯εˆΆδ½œεŽ‚ where we learnt how to make 净撨ι…₯. There was a guide who went through clearly the steps on how to make a 净撨ι…₯, which we made ourselves and got to eat later. She also brought us to a pineapple plantation and introduced us more information on pineapples. Hence I would rate the place 4/5 stars because the tour was rather enjoyable and interactive, it was a good experience. ★★★★☆

Lastly, we visited a local primary school. When we reached, the students started to play violins for us and it was really nice because they were so young yet they learnt how to play the violin for us and play it quite nicely. Then, there was an art gallery and the eloquent young children introduced to us the deep paintings which had been drawn by famous artists like Picasso. The effort the young children had put in to welcome us was really heartwarming. 

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