Thursday 6 March 2014

Reflection on China's history

 Have you wondered why citizens of Taiwan and China speak Chinese but are not merged as one country? At first, Taiwan and China were one country. But in 1662, Koxinga ( also known as Zheng Cheng-gong ), a loyalist of the Ming Dynasty which had lost control over mainland China in 1664, defeated the Dutch, who had taken over Taiwan in 1642, and established a base of operations on the island. 
  However in 1683, Zheng's forces were defeated by the Qing Dynasty. From then on, parts of Taiwan became more and more integrated into the Qing Dynasty before they gave up Taiwan to Japan in 1895, following the First Sino-Japanese War.
  In 1949, after the Republic of China lost control of mainland China following the Chinese civil war, the Republic of China under the Kuomintang party withdrew to Taiwan. After that, Japan formally renounced all its territorial rights to Taiwan in 1952 in the San Francisco Peace Treaty. The Kuomintang then ruled Taiwan as a single-party state for 40 years. 
  In my opinion, I feel that Taiwan and China should not be separated. China may use force against Taiwan just to get back what it originally had in the past. Hence, to ensure friendly relations between the two countries, they should merge.

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