Friday 8 August 2014

Individual reflection for OELP trip -Ting Yi

Day 1 24/05/14
We reached our hotel 十鼓文化村 at around 12am. Although it was late, many of us did not sleep until 1 plus as we were busy using the wifi there to contact our parents  
and talking to each other as well as analyzing our room. 
Our room was spacious and neat and it gives us a 'clean' feeling. However one thing I did not like about the room was that it was slippery and I almost fall if not for the bed. But overall the 3D2N stay was alright and nothing happened as I heard from a friend in 2L that their hotel was haunted or something and both of our classes were in Taiwan.

Day 2 25/05/14
The lives of the Taiwan people are different from us. On the way to our first museum, we saw many farms and the tour guide mentioned that some farmers were able to earn twice as much as office workers. That was shocking to us as we hardly see farms in Singapore and much less knew that farmers could earn much more than office workers during the season. 
The first museum we went was the Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum. 
In the museum, I learnt that there were 5 major migrations of the Hakka people and the distribution of Hakka accents. We were also told about the importance of 文字. Students had to respect books and can't throw them away or something like that. This also made me realize that we rely on talking and words for communication and it plays an important part in our daily lives. Without words, our lives will be affected. We had our lunch in Meinong and I got to try out 擂茶 which wasn't a bad experience in a sense. Then we went to Kaohsiung Museum of History, Kaohsiung cultural museum and the former British Consulate before ending off the day at Liuhe Night Market which was an eye opener for me as we don't have night markets in Singapore but have pasar malams instead.

Day 3 26/05/14
In the tendrum village, we observed different types of drum performances and got to try out how to play the drums. We also visited Tainan confucius temple and chikhan tower where I learnt that people go there to pray for good results. We also had a chance to write down what we wish to achieve in term three on a slip of paper. I also got to know that Tainan confucius temple was a school for scholars in the past and I would like to try out the school life if I get a chance to. During our lunch at Anping old street we also got to try out the coffin toast and 弹珠汽水 which are not commonly found in Singapore, sadly. One thing that left a great impression on me was the fact that the big canyon in the eternal golden castle was not used at all in the past. 

Day 4 27/05/14
We went to Sacred hearts high school for an exchange programme. What surprised me was that the girls and boys are splitted into different classes although it was a mixed school. My buddy mentioned that it was to avoid distractions. I got a chance to attend one of their Japanese lessons with a few others and I noticed that their lessons were more of 快乐教育. We had a quiz and the students participated actively which is something I feel that we should learn from them. Whenever their teacher asks a question and I can tell that the teacher-student bond is quite close as they treated the teacher more of a friend than a student. The students also got a chance to self teach the class . I feel that it is a good experience as the presenter can gain more confidence and present better in front of a huge crowd. I also feel that the students will be more engaged in the lessons as they would not be shy or afraid to voice out their thoughts. We also went to Hwa Shan public visitation and the children there greeted us by playing violins. This got me thinking whether I should continue learning guitar. We also got to make out very own fenglishu which was an awesome hands on experience. 


Day 5 28/05/14
We went to xing long towel factory early in the morning. Although we were all tired as it was early, we were all excited by the sight of the towels that was folded in shapes of different things. We got to try how to fold our own towels. Next we went to yunlin puppet museum. We saw different types of puppets and I also learnt that the puppeteer had to speak in different accents and voice depending on the puppet's character. The puppeteer also mentioned that controlling puppets requires time to learn. Lastly, we also went to sacred hearts for a balloon and magic activity.

Day 6 29/05/14
In the morning, we went to sacred hearts and attended their chemistry, Chinese and home econs lessons. Their lessons are taught in Chinese and they have more freedom. 
In the afternoon, we had an afternoon out with our buddies and their parents. I went with a few others to a chicken and fruit farm which was an eye opener for me as it was my first time visiting one. In Singapore, hardly do we have free time. In the chicken farm, there was about 24 000 chickens. The farmer mentioned that they were getting their vaccination the next day and I wonder how all 24 000 chickens were going to get their vaccinations. It was a fun and memorable afternoon out.

Day 7 30/05/14
Our last day in Taiwan .
We went to 921 earthquake educational park.We gained a lot of information about earthquake prevention measures and got to see some buildings affected by the earthquake . It was another eye opener for me as we do not have earthquakes in Singapore which is something fortunate. 
Lastly, we went to Tao Yuan airport before heading back to Singapore. 

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