Friday 23 May 2014

CID video reflection -Ting Yi

Leaders are initiators. Followers are responders. Leaders are willing to start off something, no matter how ridiculous it is, for example as shown in the video, the man took off his top and danced in some random place. Being a leader requires courage to be able to lead the rest in doing something.
Leaders cannot exist without followers. Followers also plays an important role. A good follower aids and support the leader whether he or she is doing the right or wrong thing.
The first follower is important. In the video, the first follower joined the man in the dance. This requires courage too. After the first follower joined the leader, others came and join in the dance too. Without the first follower, the rest of the people around wouldn't join in and the leader will seem to be just a crazy person dancing. Therefore, the first follower plays an important role.

A good leader has the ability to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and experience to undertake the tasks expected from him or her.
A good leader takes the lead. A good leader has personality, courage, clear vision with ambition to succeed. A good leader encourages the team to perform.

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